Newsletters and Resources

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Every week I send out letters with light and soul. It is a chance to connect with you deeper and support you better.
They say it takes a village. This is rebuilding the village. It goes out weekly and we do talk about parenting a lot.

Coaching for you
You know you want to…
Maximizing Time
A checklist for mamas because some days it seems like it is always a rush.
A du’a for my child
A reminder for you to pray for your child
Affirmation cards for students of Knowledge
Studying is not easy but is necessary. Let’s start to believe we can do it.

Do you love reading or maybe you find it hard to get the books on your wishlist?
Scribd has an unlimited number of books that you love plus audiobooks. I even cancelled my audible subscription. Try it out! You get two months for free.

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