Hello, I’m aisha
A parent coach
I empower intentional imperfect parents who face chaos, clutter and conflict with tools to help them get to ‘I have got this’ and feel good about how they got there.
The nurtured mama
Parenthood is messy! We enter this journey with ideals and expectations of who we want to be as parents, then beat ourselves up over the very same unrealistic expectations when we fall short. Struggling with our children can lead to feelings of guilt and regret that we’re just not doing a good job as a parent.
The problem is, and research now proves, the authoritative model of parenting we inherited doesn’t work. It creates conflict, frustration, and endless power struggles that leave us feeling guilty, exhausted, and disconnected from our children.
I believe that the real issue is that we were not taught how to be the kind of parents we want to be, so in times of conflict, we slip into ingrained childhood patterns -rooted in anger, shame, threats, punishments and bribes -not because we want to, but simply because we don’t know what else to do.

A 12-week course about you making profound shifts in your parenting and family relationships. You will receive a deep, transformational experience as a parent as you let go of your residual feelings and unconscious belief patterns lingering from your childhood and the way you were parented.
This program is for parents, grandparents, caregivers or people who work with children…
who are seeking support to parent with more peace, ease, connection and joy.
who want to deepen their awareness of themselves, nurture more self-compassion, and learn how to meet their own needs so they are better able to meet their child’s needs on a daily basis.
who want to nurture empathy and self-compassion so that they can model empathy for their children’s feelings and needs.
who are desiring to parent in a more conscious and peaceful way but need more support in figuring out how to implement peaceful parenting practices.
who realize that “conventional parenting” motivates children through fear and want to motivate their children through love and connection
who want to stop using time-outs, consequences, or punishments as means to discipline their child – and find ways to handle difficult situations without creating separation or undermining their connection with their children.
who want to learn how to accept their child’s big emotions and learn ways to hold space for their child to express themselves no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
Week 1 - Welcome and Orientation
Welcome and Orientation
Week 2: Setting Your Intentions as an Empowered Parent
Grounding into your strengths as a parent
Support for inner and outer resourcing
How to set your intentions as an empowered parent
Week 3: The Ten Core Pillars of Empowered Parenting
What dedication means as an Empowered Parent – The ten guiding principles of whole family empowerment. The Power-Over and Power-Under parenting paradigm and the most common obstacles that keep parents from embracing Empowered Parenting
Week 4: Making Sense of Attachment Science
A secure attachment and other attachment styles. How to earn a secure attachment within yourself so you can offer it to your children…
Week 5: Making Sense of Nervous System Science
How to support our children through sensory overload back into safety, how to track your nervous system thermometer and return to calm, the art of rupture and repair…
Week 6: Making Sense of Mindsight and Brain Science
What mindsight is and how to use it, the neurology of empathy and compassion, how to choosing curiosity over judgment, brain development for children birth-age 30, understanding our subconscious mind and our belief system, Creating thoughts that expand you, root you, and connect you to self and compassion
Week 7: Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence
What is emotional intelligence, how we can support our children’s emotional development, “Permission to FEEL”, Non-verbal self-empathy…
Week 8: Empowered Conversations
Your generational patterns around the experience and expression of anger and voice and expression, Your belief system around voice, expression, and feelings plus need, A ten-step process of empowered conversation. Nonviolent conversation.
Week 9: The PEACE Process
The 5 step PEACE process
Week 10: Anger and Healthy Aggression
Generational patterns around anger and aggression, How to move through anger in your body in a way that is harmless, How to practice, and model, anger resolution for your child, How to hold space for and support your child’s anger processing…
Week 11: The Power of Play and Storytelling
The twelve play languages, the four temperaments, barriers that keep parents from playfulness, healing stories for stressed behavior, reclaim play, games for aggression, anger, and anxiety and even more games.
Week 12: Your Personal Transformation
The beginning of YOU
Active Clients

How It Works
When you register in the waitlist, I will reach out to book a call with you, we’ll sit down together and talk so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and where I can offer support.
I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.
If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started. If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together.
A group of 6 - Per Person- Lifetime access access to 12-weeks of instructional content through the Jai Institute for Parenting’s Client Learning Centre
- Once weekly coaching calls
- Email support
- 1 month free access to the Nurtured Mama community
Individual- Lifetime access access to 12-weeks of instructional content through the Jai Institute for Parenting’s Client Learning Centre
- Once weekly coaching calls
- Email support
- 1 month free access to the Nurtured Mama community
Private- Lifetime access access to 12-weeks of instructional content through the Jai Institute for Parenting’s Client Learning Centre for each partner
- Once weekly coaching calls+ Email support
- 1 month free access to the Nurtured Mama community
Frequently Asked
12 weeks is a long time?
I totally understand. After all, I run my business while raising two children. It is a lot of work! That’s why I’ve designed this program to help you experience the entirety of the transformation in just 2-3 hours a week.
Weekly Training – These are pre- recorded so you can learn the Empowered Parenting Process to navigate parenthood without stress or violence, at your own pace.
Is there a payment plan?
Yes there is. I am open to discussing this on our initial call.
I understand how hard it is to ask for help as a parent. Which is why when you contact me, you will be met with understanding, a non-judgemental openness and a supportive, personalized, effective plan that I will personally guide you through every step of the way.

Aisha (UmmBilal) Ahmed
Lead coach
I am committed to helping you
be grounded in your strength as a parent – No matter who you are and what you have done, you, are the best parent for your child. Allah does not make mistakes.
Create a deeper compassion for yourself, and for your child(ren)
Help you create your core values and respectfully hold others to them.
Release beliefs that no longer serve you or your children.
Create an environment of peace, acceptance and unconditional love.
Guide you to support your child(ren) even in chaotic moments.
Give yourself the permission to feel all the feelings, but in a way that empowers you not shames you
And so I extend this invitation to you…

All children deserve to be guided and loved by the best version of ourselves, as parents. I believe investing in our parenting is the single greatest, far-reaching gift we can give our children.
Now, you might be tempted to put this off for later.
This program will always be here, exactly where you left it.
Nothing will change (except maybe the price)
But…is that what you truly want?
You’ll continue to come home to a whirlwind of yelling, crying and stress.
Your child(ren) will continue to grow in an environment that feels misaligned with your values, that feels disconnected.
And each day that passes could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
So if you want to end the yelling and conflict, if you want to create a happy
childhood for your little ones
If you want to be intentional during this special time in their life…
Then join me let’s start to grow your parenting story.
Testimonials & Featured Clients
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