I think it was in 2018. I was at an event held in An-Nur, and I remember the speaker started the session with a question. How many people here have children? And most hands went up. I felt a tinge of something. I had just gone through a loss of some sort, and I needed to get out of the house. The whole reason I was there. Or was it?

His ways are so different. SubhanAllah! But I digress..

And that was followed by another question from the speaker…

“If your children were to talk about their role models, would they mention you?” And if it was not all the hands that went down, it was most. Very most.

And now I ask myself one more…

“Do I want my children to be exactly like me?”

I marvel at nature vs. nurture. When one agent does something exactly like they see us do it. Or another asking for “hot tea” just like grandma. Or they talk my ear off just like daddy.

These children, they see us in a way no-one else sees us. They truly love us. It is all important to them, our mood, our reactions, our validation, our time. We might think there is time for us to do better, but the truth is, there isn’t. Or is there?

We would be starting with another group for the Nurtured mama Program. This is your invitation to join us.

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