by aisha | Sep 28, 2018 | For Students, Pharmacy
For a long time, even though I have been practising as a pharmacist for about 5 years now, this day usually passes by, no big deal. This year, however, I got a lot of goodwill messages and by the end of the day, it felt like it was my birthday.
The theme for this year was: Pharmacists are medicines expert.

by aisha | Aug 29, 2018 | For Students, Life, Pharmacy
You sit down to study and you find that your mind starts to wonder and is unable to focus. Or you get bored or you end up completing a task different from the task you started with or you waste the study time scrolling your phone. Sounds familiar?
You are not alone. There are so many distractions – phones, television series, magazines, friends, and even family can be a distraction sometimes. And don’t get me started on candy crush. There are internal distractions too – the delicious dinner you had yesterday, the novel you just finished reading or the climax of the last movie you saw, a discussion you had with a friend the day before or an assignment you are nervous about.
by aisha | Jul 29, 2018 | For Students, Pharmacy
I have a confession to make.
Have you noticed how under-represented the pharmacists are on the blogosphere? And a large number of people still don’t know what exactly we are about or what else we do other than dispense drugs. Sometimes, even young pharmacists are confused about what we are supposed to do. Oh no! that isn’t my confession, I would get to it soon In Sha Allah (God-willing). (more…)